Friday, September 26, 2008

Like Christmas

So sometime in the next 24 hours, my lowly blog is gonna look so amazing it makes me want to cry. I want this to be a place I am proud of, that reflects me and what I am trying to create. My personal space to be able pour my heart out and feel at home.

I know this may sound really crazy, but having a pretty blog is very important to me. My real-life home has been under renovation since 2002. We have been moving slowly. This house always feels less like a home and more like a makeshift construction site. The kids rooms are finished, beautiful in fact. When I have a chance, I will post pictures of the sweet spaces in which our kids sleep.

There is a huge feeling of the unfinished in my life. This house, friendships, my weight, my marriage all feel like they are yield signs rather then green lights. Having this blog LOOK beautiful and FEEL completed is going to be a mentally huge! Beth has take two images we found, combined them, and I can't wait to see how the whole concept comes together. After this is finished, I am going to attach my crafting blog.


Ok off to make x-mas stocking and watch the gasbag debates.