Thursday, February 26, 2009

2/40 Days of Blogging, Lent 2009

Welcome to day 2 of my 40 posts. I think I need to introduce myself...

My name is Barbara... On the surface I am a wife of 5 years, mother of a 4 year old daughter, Beaker and Jack Jack who is 2. We live in suburban New York with 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a snake. Our home is over 100 years old and in the middle of a full makeover. One day we will have paint on the drywall, a ceiling in our bed room and fresh siding to match the new roof we need. The kids rooms are 95% finished so life is not all un-taped drywall.

Deeper down I am an almost 39 year old woman living with chronic depression and ADD. I have spent years in therapy trying to sort out my life to no real change. I have recently started attending a 12 step program which I think may be the answer. With the help of that group and journaling on this blog I hope find some peace, a deeper sense of self, and maybe even begin to love myself.

Most days I feel useless, fat, ugly, sad, worthless, oh and did I say FAT... I am such a ball of laughs! But as I enter step 3 I pray that "Letting go and Letting God" will provide the support I need to change my life.

That good for an introduction? Night all!